How Suzie got into landscaping
Not knowing what to do when I left school I fell into computing and quickly realised that tapping a keyboard all day was not for me! Being creative and with a love for the outdoors, a determination to be different from other girls, and influence from Ground Force I decided to study Landscape Construction at Level 3. Since then I have achieved various accreditations to my name with my most recent being the RHS Master of Horticulture degree.
Why I love landscaping
So many Reasons! Getting stuck in as a team and becoming one of the lads. No one job we undertake is the same, with the development in high end landscaping and the materials available to us we are forever being challenged in order to achieve perfection. Through my career I have worked in the commercial and private sector, Tutored Landscape and garden design, along with building gardens for TV shows, with these and so many more opportunities out there how can you get bored.
My advice to tomorrow’s landscaper
Although as a young landscaper I refused to look at plants in order to prove my skills and not be forced stereotypically into planting and maintenance, it is now I can safely say a good landscaper requires a knowledge of both hard and soft elements. Problem solving skills are essential, always be open to advice, never be scared to ask questions, forever endeavouring to improve you skill set in order to meet the demands of architects/garden designers. Lastly never shy away from an opportunity or challenge, you never know what exciting experiences it will lead too.