Frequently Asked Questions

Think you know what landscapers do?

It’s unfortunate that the landscape industry can be perceived as low skilled and unacademic, nothing could be further from the truth.

Need more information?

Isn’t it just gardening?

The challenge is separating the image of the professional gardener from the amateur gardening enthusiast. Amateur gardening is just a small aspect of landscaping and often only the starting point.

Landscapers and professional gardeners are highly skilled individuals and are involved in many aspects including construction and maintenance while working on private gardens, estates and parks.

The industry roles include landscape managers, executives, business developers, product manufacturers, architects, designers, and botanists to name just a few.

It’s a low paid job isn’t it?

A landscape operative often starts on around £15-20,000, but this is just the starting point. With experience and achieving qualifications, this figure can quickly rise along with the role’s responsibilities and increase earning potential. As with any industry, those that present a good attitude, are committed and work hard, will be afforded the opportunities of progression in their landscaping career. There are opportunities in landscaping to move into the role of supervisor, project manager or even partner. If you end up working for yourself as a landscaper, you could have even greater earning opportunities.

Isn’t it a physically demanding and dirty job?

It can be, it depends on the landscaping job role you choose. Landscapers are very fit, moving and installing many types of materials and using different tools and machinery. Take pushing a mower, you could burn up to 500 calories an hour (the same as playing tennis). If that doesn’t suit you there are other landscaping roles you could choose and move into.

It’s not very professional, can’t anyone do it?

Landscapers have to develop a broad range of skills, including accurately marking out and surveying sites, being able to calculate area and volume, along with a broad ability and understanding of construction. The foundation of which comes through education and training. Every green space around us was constructed and is maintained by a landscaper, from Wembley Stadium to Princess Park, landscapers are incredibly proud of the prestigious work they do.

It’s a job for those that didn’t do very well at school

The landscape industry has roles that address many people’s capabilities from entry level qualifications right up to degree level. Landscapers are individuals with a strong educated foundation which often includes English, Chemistry, Biology, mathematical and analytical skills. They are creative, able to solve problems, and most importantly, passionate.

It’s seasonal as there is not enough work for all year round

Most landscapers have more than enough work (sometimes too much) to keep them busy all year round.

Don’t you have to work long hours?

No more than many other jobs. The typical working week is Monday to Friday 8am – 5pm and overtime if the project falls behind.